Cattle Profits and Breeding

re you making the most of today’s buoyant cattle market? 

Maximising the returns in beef breeder herds requires matching the reproductive cycle to available feed. In this region the time of most abundant nutrition is late spring and summer. Grass growth and nutritional value usually tails off in autumn and through winter when only grazing native pasture.

Cow facts

  • 1st calf at 24 -36 mths
  • Cows are pregnant for approx. 285 days or 9.5months
  • To calve every 12 months then need to be pregnant in 80 days
  • Cows cycle every 21 days
  • Only 3 cycles per year to maintain 12 month calving interval
  • Body Condition score at calving has the most influence on 12mth pregnancy rate
  • Most calves are weaned 6-8months of age
  • Cow will be simultaneously lactating and pregnant for 4-6 months
  • Cows highest energy demand is 2x’s maintenance when pregnant and lactating
  • Cows are still growing and changing teeth until pregnant for the second time


As we have no control over rainfall and thus pasture availability it makes sense to control the cow’s reproductive cycle to fit peak energy demands to peak pasture availability. In highly productive herds this is achieved by setting a mating start date, when bulls are put with the cows, and then at the earliest opportunity ageing pregnancies by pregnancy diagnosis and foetal aging to check if the breeding strategy for the year has been successful. Only then do we remove bulls from the breeding herd to set up for the following year so that a concise calving pattern is achieved.

This systematic approach to management of the breeder will

  • improve calf numbers per 12 month period,
  • increase total weight of calves weaned per 12 month period,
  • reduce time(and $’s)spent monitoring and handling cattle
  • reduce cost of supplements (by up to 80% of poorly managed year round calving herds
  • maintain cow body weights and maximise returns from cull cows
  • allow early identification of poor or non performing animals
  • optimise a sustainable annual production and profitability

The cost of implementing this type of sustainable breeder management system can be much less than the savings made on reduced cost of feed, supplements and labour alone while enjoying the benefits of improved productivity and income from your cattle.



Contact Kilcoy Vet Practice for more information on increased profitability in breeding herds.